Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) Extended to 2022

*Update 3/23/2022

The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) has extended the 2022 Pandemic Cover Crop Program to cover crops planted after March 15th, 2022.  The deadline to certify these cover crops at FSA will be May 31st, 2022.  The New Language is covered below:

Eligible insured acres means insured acres on which the producer planted a qualifying cover crop after June 15, 2021, during the 2021 crop year, or during the 2022 crop year, as reported on the Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) common land unit(s) (CLU) to FSA via a completed and signed Form 578-Report of Acreage on or before March 15, 2022, or May 31, 2022, for 2022 crop year qualifying cover crops planted after March 15, 2022, which may be prior to FSA’s acreage reporting date, and reported the same CLU(s) on their crop insurance acreage report by the applicable Federal crop insurance acreage reporting date for a 2022 crop year crop insurance policy for a first insured crop.



The USDA announced February 10th that they are extending the PCCP (Pandemic Cover Crop Program) to agricultural producers for the 2022 crop year.  PCCP provides a premium credit of $5 per acre, but no more than the full premium amount owed.  Producer’s must file the Report of Acreage at FSA for the cover crops by March 15, 2022.


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