2021 Billing Change & Harvest Reminders

Regarding your crop insurance and some things you will want to keep in mind as you get into harvest:


2021 MPCI Billing Change
Due to the ongoing drought, RMA announced that interest for MPCI policies could be deferred for an addition 60 days. Payments need to be postmarked by Nov. 30th to avoid interest penalties.


Loss Reporting
A Notice of Loss should be turned in within 72 hours of noticing that there may be a problem.  A harvest loss claim must be submitted no later than 15 days after harvest of the crop is completed.


Co-mingling Grain
Please contact us ASAP if you plan to mix this years’ crop with grain from a previous years’ production. A notice must be submitted to the insurance company so an adjuster can measure the grain.


Chopping Silage / taking crop to another use
If you are chopping corn for silage or take a crop to another use (haying small grains for example), you will need authorization from the company and will want to get an appraisal for loss/APH purposes. If you fail to get authorization from the company you will be assessed your guarantee on those acres


Sugarbeet Considerations
The Early Harvest Factor (EHF) was introduced several years ago and adds 1% per day to the production lifted before the regular campaign starts.  In certain loss scenarios, primarily disease, the EHF can be waived when an agricultural expert determines that the crop will continue to decline if not harvested. With the current extreme drought that many of you are experiencing, the question has arisen as to whether the EHF could be waived due to drought. The companies are going to take on a case-by-case basis and there is no guarantee they will waive it. Give us a call to talk over  your options so we can help you make the best decision for your operation!


Wheat / Barley Harvest Prices
For those of you with Revenue Protection, the harvest prices for Wheat and Barley are currently being calculated during the month of August*.  You will receive the harvest price on any bushels short of your guarantee. If you would like us to get you your guaranteed bushels give us a call!

  • Wheat – $9.15/Bu*  (Spring Price =$6.53)
  • Barley – $4.79/Bu*  (Spring Price = $4.18)


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office.